Preparation for the ACQia

The Pre-AIS and the Pre-ACQia are the precursors of the AIS and the ACQia. Once the “Asgardia Standards Act” has been accepted and formalized, the Pre-AIS will be converted into the AIS, which will then migrate all Asgardian Transitional Standards into Asgardian Standards. Also, the Pre-ACQia will be converted into the ACQia. With the Act, compliance to Asgardian Standards, and with that Audits, will become compulsory. By then, the Audit fees (homologation fees) can and will be increased.

Both AIS and ACQia will have to be independent of Cabinet and Parliament and this will have to be reflected in the staffing of its Management Team and of the Treasurer.

To explain to organizations and companies within and outside of Asgardia that Asgardian Standards exist and compliancy is necessary, and also to be able to become financially self-supporting, the AIS and the ACQia will be advertised by that time.